Monday, August 24, 2009


I can't sleep again, so I decided to make another post.

First things first -
Today I discovered a great way to get vegetables into my diet, since it had been lacking them. I bought a big container of the V8 Fusion Acai Mixed Berry, a drink that already has a lot of vegetables in it and tastes good. However, I always want more. I put a large handful of raw spinach leaves into the cup and blended it all together. You could barely even notice that I had added spinach... it was great. Tomorrow I'm going to try adding other vegetables and see if they work just as well.

Second -
I've decided that I will continue blogging on here about other things than my broken jaw... the site name will have to stay the same, but I'm going to edit the title on the page, etc. My life is pretty interesting, and it will be nice to have something to go back and read... and allow others to read and be entertained.

That is all.

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