Saturday, August 22, 2009


Here is a picture of my mouth (after the massive swelling had gone down) along with answers to questions I get EVERY time I run into someone I haven't seen since the incident:

-No I can't open my mouth at all
-I puree all my food and drink it through a straw to eat
-Yes, it's true I pureed meatloaf, ham and cheese sandwich, a burger, and spaghetti
-Yes I can speak fairly well
-Yes I lost weight... about 10 lbs the first week. I've been eating and working out all the time to gain it back.
-It feels like constantly squeezing my teeth together and it hurts, but I've gotten used to it.
-It needs to be like this for 6 weeks from the time of surgery
-Yawning Hurts... so does sneezing. I can't decide what's worse.

1 comment:

  1. Hey man my name is lucas an I broke my jaw back in september 2012 an I'm just starting to feel all the long term affects could u please help me out an tell me what I should expect an or might feel in the up coming years plus how's ur jaw
