Saturday, August 22, 2009


Hey everybody,

This is the first blog I've ever made, so bear with me. I broke my jaw a few weeks ago, had surgery to put metal plates in, have to have my jaw wired shut for 6 weeks from the time of the surgery.

My friend and I got drunk
He's an angry drunk
I was being a tough guy and told him to go ahead and hit me
He actually did
I said go ahead hit me again...
He actually did
...and so on

I searched the internet for ideas of stuff to blend/how to prepare food so I can keep myself alive and happy during these shitty few weeks, but didn't find much. However, there was a magic bullet laying around that nobody ever used, so I decided to try blending EVERYTHING.

This blog will cover the best and worst things (in my opinion) to blend. Keep in mind, I am NOT a picky eater, and I love almost all food.

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